Bored. That's me I guess

Hey people who happen to stumble on this site, this site is partly devoted to writing, reading, music, photography and partly devoted to junk. I decided that this would be a good idea when I was bored, so thats my idea. Also there is a larger part of this site for the animal lovers of the world (me being one of them).So for all of you bored people out there continue on and you will cease to be bored. Check out the links and other stuff, really do it. Come on, come do it....

Amazing Me, and other things

Hey reader,web surfer, and friends! I am a writer and a reader, I will post a bunch of story blurbs from a super cool writing site. Now I know what you're think " A writing site? For like emos and stuff? How is that cool?" well it is. You write your stuff post it and people can help you make it better. If you still don't believe me then check it out..., check it out.
